
Showing posts from 2013

The Best Dreamhost Coupon Codes and Promo Codes of 2014

Dreamhost is an extremely popular host that hosts millions of websites and domains at affordable prices, but it has also stayed true to it's roots as an employee owned company that provides excellent service with 24/7 customer support. Dreamhost shared hosting has all of the features that you need for an awesome website, with 100% uptime guarantee, unlimited bandwidth, disk space and all other features at a price of $8.95 a month. If you use some of the following coupon codes however, you'll find that you will save a large amount of money. The Dreamhost promo code SAVE75DEAL is available here  and offers a savings of $75 on any Dreamhost hosting plan whether it be 1 or 2 years. I hope this post has helped you to save money on your web hosting and check back for more later!

DreamHost Coupons February 2014-Get Hosting for $3 a Month!

If you're looking to buy hosting, DreamHost is one of the top providers, and it is even a WordPress partner. Here are 3 coupon codes that will save you up to $100 in hosting, domain and other fees.  Warriors, For all of your websites, whether it's for your internet marketing course or an informational site you need hosting, and one of the best ways to save on hosting is by using coupons. Here are a few of the coupons I've found to work on DreamHost that I used to save on plans: Code:  WF3FREEDOMAINS  This coupon code gives you 3 free domain registrations whenever you join one of their hosting plans, and as the owner of multiple WordPress sites I used this one at sign up. Domains go for about $12 so this one should save you $36 or so and you never have to transfer any domains to your hosting account. Code:   DOMAINANDIP2013 This code gives you one free domain and one unique IP address (a $45 savings), and it's best for those of you with one site (or starting off with...

Affordable YouTube Views for Online Video Marketing

While our blog is focused on Facebook marketing, we have received many requests to include YouTube marketing in our blog posts and here it is. One of the most popular questions that we were asked was, "where is the best place to buy YouTube views ?" We've scoured the web and found multiple options for you to use, but our personal favorite was a relatively new store called with the perfect combination of affordability, speed, and support. Their options start at $7 for 5,000 views and $10 for 10,000 views and go all the way up to 100,000 views, so you'll never run out of ways to promote your video. You can also find other options on their website and even purchase Facebook Likes while you're at it! Good luck and see us next time!

How to Buy Facebook Likes and Increase Your Likes for Free

How to Buy Facebook Likes is a new Squidoo lens that shows users how they can optimize their Facebook Fans experience and increase their Facebook Likes using quality marketing services.

How to Get More Facebook Fans is an excellent article that we've recently found for learning how to get more Facebook Likes and fans to your page. It explains everything you need to know in detail and lets you avoid any pitfalls.

Best Websites to Buy Facebook Likes

Many people run small businesses and websites, and Facebook is one of the best ways to reach your customers in the 21st century, with billions of different people using it as of 2012. In this article we will review some of the most popular places to buy Facebook Likes and give you the benefits and drawbacks of each service. : Price: 3/5: Get-Likes charges $29.99 for 1000 Facebook Likes, and this is certainly not on the low end of most stores. Service: 2/5:  The customer service seemed to be foreign and did not understand much of what we were saying in our conversations about the product. Speed: 3/5: Get-Likes delivered our order in 5 days, just over the 4 they said they would deliver in. Quality: 2/5: After one week, about 30% of our Likes were gone. Total: 10/20 Price: 3.5/5: FBViro charges $27.99 for 1000 Facebook Likes, about average for the industry. Service: 4/5: The customer service spoke English decently and there is an easy way to contact...

Best Place to Buy Traffic Online

The best place to buy targeted traffic online is surely which provides quality traffic that can be targeted to over 45 countries and is the cheapest on the internet. You can buy the traffic here

7 Ways Competitions on Your Facebook Page Can Generate Likes and Engagement

When your business wants to increase Facebook likes and get the most out of Facebook page competitions, it is important to remember the psychology that is the foundation of social media success. Humans love to interact with each other. They love to express themselves and get involved with things that make them laugh, smile and learn. Here are some tips for you to make the most of Facebook for business, through running social media competitions that actually work to build fans and collect likes! 1) Reward Your Fans for Their Likes When your fans click the like button you will want them to feel special, and offering a possible reward for their participation is a great way to start. If you have an online or offline marketing campaign, consider integrating Facebook into this. Run a competition and make a condition of entry liking your business's Facebook page. The prize doesn't have to be big and the process doesn't have to be complicated, just appealing to the target mark...

How To Get More Likes In Facebook Using LinkedIn

Have you been trying to get people to "like" your Facebook page the hard way? I was. Here's how you do it the easy way. It's hard to believe that there are over three million active Facebook pages. Facebook has generated a pool of prospects for your business that only gets bigger. Generating fan page likes is a lot easier than you think. To answer the question, "How to get more likes in Facebook," follow the following formula: Getting more Facebook fan page likes is simple. The first step is finding the right LinkedIn groups to join. 1. Create a LinkedIn account. Try to give as much information as possible. The more complete the profile, the better. 2. Go to the group search bar at the top right of the page to find highly targeted prospects to send to your Facebook fan page. 3. Since I am a network marketer, I like to search for network marketing terms like MLM, network marketing, MLM lead generation, residual income, passive income. You will find a to...

How to Use Facebook for Business: Five Top Tips

There are a number of ways you can begin learning how to use Facebook for business. Facebook offers a variety of methods, free and paid, that help you gain more exposure for your company. This is especially helpful if you have a brand new website that you need to promote, but you don't want to spend a lot of money in doing so. Here are some ways you can start promoting your company using Facebook. Remember, you can start small. You don't have to use the paid options if you don't want to. 1. Make a basic Facebook fan page: Just clicking the "Create a page" button on Facebook will launch you on a three-step process that's very quick and simple to complete. All you have to do is input the name of the website or company (which cannot be changed, by the way, so make it right the first time!), upload a photo or company logo, and add a company bio or description. Voila! Your page is now up and running. 2. Network with your friends: If you don't want to learn...

Benefits of Getting Facebook Likes

If you are one of the hundreds of internet marketers or online business owners who is still lost in terms of taking advantage of the different social networking sites, then take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. When it comes to Facebook for example, if you are unsure where and when to put a Like button on your website or blog, there is someone else out there who shares your pain. Social sharing technologies have significantly evolved in the last couple of months, which is why some online marketers believe that using it requires in-depth technical knowledge. But on the contrary, integrating social media into your online marketing strategies is not that complicated as it may seem. When used appropriately, the Like and Share button for Facebook can become two of your greatest online marketing tools. If you know the secrets to using it, you will be able to drive referral traffic from social networks, open new communication channels with existing customers and prospects, and b...

5 Ways the Facebook 'Like' Button Will Grow Your Business

Once upon a time, in the land of Facebook, there was such a thing as a 'Fan'. Someone became a fan of a page when they clicked the 'Become a Fan' button on a particular fan page. A person had to be on your page to become a fan, but with recent changes to how Facebook allow people to connect with your page, a whole new world of opportunity has opened up creating FREE Leads for your business, and simple connections from anywhere on the internet. There are many benefits to embracing this new initiative from Facebook: When someone on Facebook clicks the like button to your page, it is shown in their news feed. Their friends can see the pages that they are liking and proceed to 'like' you as well. Your customer base is grown with just a click. If you install & display the like button on your website, visitors can automatically click it, and Facebook automatically updates their Facebook profile, and they begin to follow you without even having to log into Fa...

Facebook Like Pages - A Guide for Small Businesses

Facebook like pages enable small businesses to compete toe to toe with large corporations, if not in scope, then definitely in potential for exposure with its over 500 million members. If you have yet to explore Facebook's strengths as a platform for marketing, promotion and customer engagement for your small business, then here are a few things you need to look into. What Can a Business Do with a Facebook Like Page? With Facebook's latest enhancements on like pages, the line between personal and business-oriented social networking just got fuzzier. More than ever before, building a page for your business is a cost-effective and practical measure to reach out to both existing and future customers, build loyalty and interact with them in ways much like you would with Facebook friends on your personal account. For example, you can augment your marketing efforts by developing an audience and growing their familiarity, trust and preference for your offerings. Using your page a... Launches New Targeted Facebook Like Store

On January 18th, 2013, launched their new targeted Facebook Like store to provide users with an easy and inexpensive method to increase their website or businesses local online presence. The owner of commented on the new store in brief. "We were started to provide a low cost alternative to expensive and dodgy websites that didn't fill the needs of their customers. Targeted Likes are our first expansion into other products, and we hope to continue to grow our portfolio of high quality products, while retaining our first class customer service and the low prices we're known for." Targeted Likes start at $12 for 500 Likes up to $18 for 1000 US Likes and are guaranteed to be delivered within 48 hours, proposition that the BuyFBLikes team has said helped differentiate their website from the hundreds of other high cost and slow delivery services on the internet. Targeted Likes show search engines your website is most popular in the targeted cou...