Once upon a time, in the land of Facebook, there was such a thing as a 'Fan'. Someone became a fan of a page when they clicked the 'Become a Fan' button on a particular fan page. A person had to be on your page to become a fan, but with recent changes to how Facebook allow people to connect with your page, a whole new world of opportunity has opened up creating FREE Leads for your business, and simple connections from anywhere on the internet. There are many benefits to embracing this new initiative from Facebook: When someone on Facebook clicks the like button to your page, it is shown in their news feed. Their friends can see the pages that they are liking and proceed to 'like' you as well. Your customer base is grown with just a click. If you install & display the like button on your website, visitors can automatically click it, and Facebook automatically updates their Facebook profile, and they begin to follow you without even having to log into Fa...
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